I have decided that as I learn tunes or riffs on the harp I will share.
I have used solid numbers indicate BLOW Notes
(x) parenthesis to indicate DRAW notes.
(>) for BEND notes
Also I have them color coded.
Tab Chart:
Number = Blow
(Number) = Draw
(Number>) = Draw Bend
Number> = Blow Bend
Number> = Blow Bend
Pure Imagination
(From: Willie Wonka)
Tabed by: RPO Sr.
June 24th 2011
2 3 (4) 2 3 (4) 2 3 5 (5) 5 (5) 5 (5) 5 4
Come with me & you'll be in a world of pure i - ma - gi - na - tion
& The notes if played on:
Key of C harp
E G (D) E G (D) E G E (F) E (F) E (F) E C
Come with me & you'll be in a world of pure i - ma - gi - na - tion
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Sweet child o' mine solo
Tabed by RPO Sr.
June 24th 2011
*** I've broken this solo into "riffs" since that is how I'm teaching it to myself. Every 4 bars = 1 "Riff" ***
*** I've broken this solo into "riffs" since that is how I'm teaching it to myself. Every 4 bars = 1 "Riff" ***
Guitar Tab Riff 1:
e: - 17b -- 17 -- 15 -----14h - 15p -14 ------- 15 -- -- 14h -- 15p --14 ------------------ 14
b: ------------------------------------------ 17 -----------------------------------17 -- 16 -- 17 --
e: - 17b -- 17 -- 15 -----14h - 15p -14 ------- 15 -- -- 14h -- 15p --14 ------------------ 14
b: ------------------------------------------ 17 -----------------------------------17 -- 16 -- 17 --
G# -- A -- G ----F# - G - F- E -----G ---- F# -- G -- F# -E - D# - E --G
HARP TAB: Key of C (Cross harp)
6> - (6) - 6 - (5>) - 6 (5>) 5 -- 6 ---- (5>) - 6 - (5>) 5 (4>) - 5 - 6
G# A G F# G F# E G F# G F# E D# E G
Cripple creek
(by: Unknown)
Tabed by: RPO Sr
On: Jube 24th 2011
(by: Unknown)
Tabed by: RPO Sr
On: Jube 24th 2011
7 7 7 6 5 5 (5) (6) (6) 6 5 5 5 (4) 4
I got a Girl & She loves me She's as sweet as she can be
Lovin' Life - It's ALL Oak Kay - RPO Sr.